
A cross-platform build system for creating iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows programs.


Theos supports building for many common targets and file formats including:


  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Windows

File formats

  • .dylib
  • .a
  • .so
  • .deb
  • .ipa
  • null packages
  • .pkg
  • .rpm
  • .exe
  • .dll

The most common configuration is targeting jailbroken iOS via .deb’s. As jailbroken iOS is bootstrapped by a Debian-esque platform, .deb’s follow many of the standard Debian Linux conventions.

control files

control files are required for Debian packages (.deb’s) and are configured for you by default when a project is initialized via the NIC.

The most commonly used fields include:

  • Name:
    • Name of the package
  • Package:
    • ID of the package
    • Follows the format
    • Choose wisely - don’t change this once your package has been released
  • Author:
    • Name of the package’s author
  • Maintainer:
    • Name of the package’s maintainer
  • Version:
    • The package’s version
  • Depends:
    • Package ID(s) for the package(s) that your package depends on
    • Comma-separated list
    • The version of the dependency can be specified by providing it in the format (>> dep-ver), (>= dep-ver), (= dep-ver), (<= dep-ver), or (<< dep-ver)
    • Note that there is a meta-package (i.e., an empty package with just a control file) provided on modern jailbreaks named firmware that can be placed in Depends: in order to restrict the iOS versions your package can be installed on
      • Example Depends: firmware (>= 12.0)
  • Pre-Depends:
    • This field is like Depends:, but it completes installation of the package(s) named before starting your package’s installation
  • Recommends:
    • Package ID(s) for the package(s) that your package can make use of, but that aren’t required
    • Comma-separated list
  • Provides:
    • Package ID(s) for the package(s) your package is considered a drop-in replacement for
    • Comma-separated list
  • Conflicts:
    • Package ID(s) for the package(s) your package cannot be installed alongside
    • Comma-separated list
  • Architecture:
    • The target architecture of the installable package
      • Use iphoneos-arm for rootful iOS or iphoneos-arm64 for rootless iOS
  • Section:
    • The section that your package should appear under in a package manager
    • Tweaks or Utilities are most common
  • Description:
    • The description for your package
  • Icon:
    • The local or remote path to your package’s icon (includes the file’s extension)
  • Depiction:
    • A link to your package’s depiction
  • SileoDepiction:
    • A link to your package’s native depiction as used by package managers such as Sileo

Aside from a few jailbroken iOS-specific fields, the available fields can be found in Debian documentation.

Maintainer scripts

As with standard Debian packages, maintainer scripts can be added to your project to be run at various points throughout its (un)install cycle.

The scripts should be placed in $THEOS_LAYOUT_DIRECTORY and include:

  • preinst
    • A script to be run prior to your package’s installation
  • postinst
    • A script to be run after your package’s installation
  • extrainst_
    • A script to be run after your package’s installation, but only on installation and not on upgrade
    • An iOS-specific extension created by Jay Freeman (saurik) - review this explanation to understand if you need to use extrainst_ rather than postinst
  • prerm
    • A script to be run prior to your package’s removal
  • postrm
    • A script to be run after to your package’s removal

Note: please ensure that your script’s hashbang is accurate. That is, if you use bashisms, please set the hashbang to either #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash. This has caused issues in the past when the default shell was changed.

Filter property list (.plist)

Building for jailbroken iOS also requires configuring for process injection via CydiaSubstrate (et al).

This filter is implemented as a property list that is installed alongside the .dylib(s) in the .deb. The property list is created for you when initializing a project via the NIC.

The filter can be for bundles, classes, and/or executables and is declared in the form of an xml array. Your tweak will only be loaded if the filter items specified are matched.

The format of said filter plist is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

For more information, see